Menander I (Milinda) Soter

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от рождения
Menander I (Milinda) Soter
Смена имени Dawä Jin
Вики-страница wikipedia:Menander_I


рождение: 3rd Dharmaraja of Shambhala

рождение ребёнка: Agathokleia [Bactria]

рождение ребёнка: Strato Epiphanes Soter [?]

титул: Rigdan Tagpa

-159 рождение ребёнка: Menander II Soter (Manjushri Yashas) [Soter] р. -159

между -155 и -130 титул: King of Bactria


Шаблон:Link-type:Make-believe Шаблон:Needsources Page numbers please


  1. Strabo 11.11.1 - Menander crossed the Hypanis as far as the Imaüs and took possession of Patalena, the kingdom of Saraostus and Sigerdis, and extended their empire even as far as the Seres and the Phryni.
  2. Hazel, John (2013). Who's Who in the Greek World. Routledge. p. 155. ISBN 9781134802241. " - Menander king in India, known locally as Milinda, born at a village named Kalasi near Alasanda (Alexandria-in-the-Caucasus), and who was himself the son of a king. After conquering the Punjab, where he made Sagala his capital, he made an expedition across northern India and visited Patna, the capital of the Mauraya empire, though he did not succeed in conquering this land as he appears to have been overtaken by wars on the north-west frontier with Eucratides.

Ближайшие предки и потомки

== 1 ==
Menander I (Milinda) Soter
рождение: 3rd Dharmaraja of Shambhala
титул: Rigdan Tagpa
титул: между -155 и -130, King of Bactria
== 1 ==
титул: ок. -130?, King of Paropamisadae
титул: между -110 и -100, Queen of Punjab
Menander II Soter (Manjushri Yashas)
рождение: -159
титул: Rigdan Tagpa
Strato Epiphanes Soter
титул: King of Punjab
Philoxenus Aniketos
титул: между -100 и -95, King of Paropamisadae
Hermaeus Soter (Maues Koshanou)
титул: Hindo-Cush, Governor of Paropamisade
титул: Rigdan of Tagpa
национальность: Da Yuezhi (Judean)
титул: Satrap of Osroene
брак: Kalliope Philoxena ? (Pilos)
...: между -90 и -70, Estimated Dates
Polyxenos Epiphanes (Chrestos Soter)
титул: между -100 и -85, Prince of Punjab
Thraso ? (Prince)
титул: между -95 и -80, King of Punjab

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