Ghalib ibn Fihr р. 280

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от рождения
Ghalib ibn Fihr

Fihr Bin Malik [Bani Quraisy] р. 260

Фихр [Курайшиты]



280 рождение:

300 рождение ребёнка: Lou'ayy ibn Ghalib [Bani Quraisy] р. 300


Ir H Hilal Achmar Lineage Study Kilab ibn Murrah (Arabic: كلاب بن مُرة‎) (born 373 CE) was the paternal great-great-great-great grandfather and maternal great-great-great grandfather of Islamic prophet Muhammad.[1]

He was the son of Murrah ibn Ka'b ibn Lu'ayy ibn Ghalib ibn Fihr ibn Malik by his first wife Hind bint Surayr ibn Thalabah ibn Harith ibn Fihr ibn Malik. Both his parents were descendants of Ibrahim (Abraham) through his son Ismail (Ishmael), and trace their lineage back to Fihr the progenitor of Banu Quraysh.

He had two half-brothers Taym ibn Murrah and Yaqazah ibn Murrah through his father's second wife Asma bint Adiy (Hind bint Harithah al-Bariqiyyah) of Asad.[2]

He was married to Fatimah bint Sa'd ibn Sayl, who bore him two sons. His elder son Zuhrah ibn Kilab was the progenitor of the Banu Zuhrah clan, and his younger son Qusai ibn Kilab became the first Quraysh custodian of the Ka'aba. After his death his wife married Rabi'ah ibn Haram from the Bani Azra tribe. [edit] See also

   Family tree of Muhammad

[edit] References

   ^ The Life of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) by Ibn Hisham: Volume 1, Page 181
   ^ Life of the Prophet, The Prophet’s Family Line No 2 - from Qusayy to Adnan and beyond, Sr. Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood


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Ближайшие предки и потомки

Fihr Bin Malik
рождение: 260
== 2 ==
Ghalib ibn Fihr
рождение: 280
== 2 ==
Lou'ayy ibn Ghalib
рождение: 300
Ka'ab ibn Lou'ayy
рождение: 320

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