Ira Wilbur Ackley р. 20 декабрь 1806

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от рождения
Ira Wilbur Ackley

Zebulon S. Ackley [Ackley] р. 1774

Esther Robinson [Robinson] р. 1780



20 декабрь 1806 рождение: Clarence (New York), Erie County (New York)

брак: Mary Ann Seabrook [Seabrook]

август 1833 рождение ребёнка: Gowanda (New York), Cattaraugus County (New York), Mellisa E. Ackley [Ackley] р. август 1833


  1. - Ira W. ACKLEY, born in Lancaster, N. Y., in 1806, married Mary SEABROOK, a descendant of the English family who settled SEABROOK Island, South Carolina. He early settled in Hidi, and being a millwright assisted Ahaz ALLEN in building the first saw-mill there. Soon after he purchased 100 acres of woodland on lot 57 where his son John S. now lives. The place he chose for his home was near a large spring, which was evidently a resort of the Indians. The present proprietor has found numerous arrowheads, stone axes, and stone implements for skinning game, a stone rasp, and other curiosities. Mr. ACKLEY was elected to several town offices. He was deputized by Sheriff WHITE to call out the militia and went with them to the Dutch Hill war. He joined the Emigrant Aid Society of Massachusetts at the time of border ruffian troubles in Kansas and was one of the original founders of the city of Lawrence, and was also the millwright in building the first mill in that city. He died where his daughter, Mrs. ALVERSON, now lives in 1888. Mrs. ACKLEY died about 1875. Children: Orlando A.; Melissa E. (Mrs. ALVERSON); John Seabrook, who married Alzina, daughter of William CRANDALL, of Persia; Thomas B. (deceased); and Mary, widow of Luther N. WELLS.

Ближайшие предки и потомки

Jeremiah Ackley
рождение: 26 сентябрь 1742, Colchester (Connecticut)
брак: Sara W Woodson
Esther Robinson
рождение: 1780
рождение: 6 июль 1813, Clarence (New York), Erie County (New York), Clarence Rural Cemetery
брак: Zebulon S. Ackley
== 3 ==
Ira Wilbur Ackley
рождение: 20 декабрь 1806, Clarence (New York), Erie County (New York)
брак: Mary Ann Seabrook
== 3 ==
Anson Emera Alverson
рождение: 17 сентябрь 1837, Gerry (New York), Chautauqua County (New York)
брак: Mellisa E. Ackley
войсковое звание: 7 сентябрь 1861, Gowanda (New York), Cattaraugus County (New York), enlisted at Gowanda as Corporal
войсковое звание: 10 апрель 1862, Yorktown (Virginia), promoted to Sergeant during siege of Yorktown
войсковое звание: 18 февраль 1863, Elmira (New York), discharged due to disability
смерть: 23 май 1919, Gowanda (New York), Cattaraugus County (New York)
Mellisa E. Ackley
рождение: август 1833, Gowanda (New York), Cattaraugus County (New York)
брак: Anson Emera Alverson

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